What Console does this run on? SNESC and NESC What does it emulate? MSX/SVI/ColecoVision/SG-1000 Download: (S)NESC blueMSX Core Any BIOS files required: See below (special case) Core Info file: display_name…
(S)NESC blueMSX Core

What Console does this run on? SNESC and NESC What does it emulate? MSX/SVI/ColecoVision/SG-1000 Download: (S)NESC blueMSX Core Any BIOS files required: See below (special case) Core Info file: display_name…
What Console does this run on? SNESC and NESC What does it emulate? Atari 5200 Download: (S)NESC Atari800 Core Any BIOS files required: 5200.rom Core Info file: display_name = "Atari…
What Console does this run on? SNESC and NESC What does it emulate? 2048 Game Download: (S)NESC 2048 Game Core Any BIOS files required: N/A Core Info file: display_name =…
What Console does this run on? SNESC and NESC What does it emulate? Sinclair - ZX 81 (EightyOne) Download: (S)NESC Sinclair - ZX 81 (EightyOne) Core Any BIOS files required:…
What Console does this run on? Playstation Classic What does it emulate? 3DO Download: PSC 4DO Core Any BIOS files required: See below (special case) Core Info file: display_name =…
What Console does this run on? Playstation Classic What does it emulate? Sinclair - ZX 81 (EightyOne) Download: PSC Sinclair - ZX 81 (EightyOne) Core Any BIOS files required: N/A…
What Console does this run on? Playstation Classic What does it emulate? Atari 5200 Download: PSC Atari 5200 Core Any BIOS files required: 5200.rom display_name = "Atari - 5200 (Atari800)"…
What Console does this run on? Playstation Classic What does it emulate? NES/Famicon Download: PSC bNES Core Any BIOS files required: N/A Core Info file: display_name = "Nintendo - NES…
What Console does this run on? Playstation Classic What does it emulate? MSX/SVI/ColecoVision/SG-1000 Download: PSX blueMSX Core Any BIOS files required: N/A Core Info file: display_name = "MSX/SVI/ColecoVision/SG-1000 (blueMSX)" authors…
This is the long awaited official build of RetroArch for the SNESC built directly from Libretro sources. Sorry it took so long, in between the announcement and today's release there…