It’s with great pleasure that we can announce the release of BleemSync 1.0.1!
Thank you everyone and the early adopters to our project, the majority of the feedback has been very useful and helpful. 1.0.1 is effectively a hotfix release to the 1.0.0 public beta with some included “quality of life” improvements. This update includes a new build of RetroArch with optimisations to the payload and improved run time management for emulation and general stability.
We would also like to mention that the development of BleemSync 1.1 is under full swing and is currently our number one priority. The largest features 1.1 will bring to the table are OTG and a desktop app.
Update Overview
Japanese and Chinese Systems Now Supported
The BleemSync devs are primarily from North America and Europe, and as such we did not have access to the Asian console releases. We fixed that and now BleemSync 1.0.1 works for Japanese and Chinese consoles.
Extended Controller Support
We included extra controller driver support for controllers like the Xbox range and Steam controllers. You can find the list of controllers added in the release notes. CompCom also allowed SDL2 controller mappings for the Boot Menu which you can also find in the release notes. The stock UI currently does not allow third party controller support, however in 1.0.1 we have laid the foundation for this and hopefully shouldn’t be too hard to implement in an upcoming release.
A word of caution… There are hundreds of permutations and different variations of controllers. We simply can’t test them all however from the limited testing we have been able to do we have had success. For your controller to be 100% supported, it requires:
- The correct driver
- Have a SDL2 mapping within the boot menu mappings
- Have a mapping within the RetroArch autoconfig file
We bundled as many possible combinations as possible, but just please bare in mind this isn’t an exact science and we will extend the list when possible.
New Reworked Optimised RetroArch 1.7.6 With Ozone Support
When updating BleemSync 1.0.1 from 1.0.0 we have made it so the BleemSync and RetroArch configurations aren’t overwritten if you unzip and overwrite all the files on the USB. BleemSync 1.0.1 comes with a brand new reworked RetroArch with a brand new menu format which is exclusive to the 1.7.6 release. When you upgrade it will update RetroArch but it won’t overwrite your configuration. If you wish to switch to all the latest configurations and new OZONE menu driver, then just delete your old RA config file from your USB here:
When you boot next it will load in the new default configuration for RetroArch.
New Dynamic Memory Optimizations and Tuning
Running BleemSync allows for extended filesystem support like exFAT and NTFS to help prevent USB corruption (FAT32 tends to be more susceptible to corruption due to power loss, brownouts, etc) but it now also tunes the dynamic memory during run time to improve stability, reduce crashing and improve performance (in certain situations) to improve your emulation experience as a whole.
Boot Directly to RetroArch Addon Available
As of BleemSync 1.0.0 you could actually boot directly to RetroArch with full playlist support by changing a single configuration value within a text file, however this was not documented well enough on the initial beta release. Along side 1.0.1, we are releasing an addon pack that will allow booting into RetroArch directly.
(A couple of tutorial videos will be coming out soon documenting this feature better very shortly)
A note on custom themes – We have made it so when dragging over the new release on top of the old one will run the update on next boot and it won’t overwrite your old configurations for BleemSync and RetroArch (as explained above). However, if you have changed the default theme files in any way, this update will overwrite them! If you have changed these files, make sure to back them up before updating.
- Review the notes above
- Unzip the contents of the 1.0.1 zip on top of your pre-existing 1.0.0 install
- Plug in your drive and turn on your system
- On first boot, an update will run and then your system will reboot
- Game on!
Release Notes
BleemSync v1.0.1 Release Notes:
Credit and Thanks
All credit goes to the BleemSync development team as normal, but also to our friends at libretro for their continued work on RetroArch and their assistance with getting this new build out to you guys. We would also like to give a big shout out to the community for being so supportive and especially our ModMyClassic supporters. A very big shout out to our Patreon supporters at the time of this release: reppin916, ibaneye, ocpleito, Cupcake, barfghost, DangerRenegade, Wraith
With all your constant support, positive vibes and generosity we are able to keep going and dedicate time to development of the software and community for you all!
Youtube How-To and overviews
Download Page and Installation Instructions
Important notes
– Due to a bug not discovered before release, if you have edited settings through the BleemSync UI, the bootloader payload may not update. If you did not see the payload update and the bleemsync/flags/UPDATE
file is still present on your drive, please add the following to the config file bleemsync/etc/bleemsync/CFG/bleemsync_cfg.INI
[not_recommended] usb_only="0"
– If you are updating on a Mac, **make sure to select Merge** when you are overwriting files on your USB drive. Otherwise, you may delete your games database and configurations. Making a backup prior to upgrading is recommended.