Hi all, just a small update on the project as we are still being asked for more news. Because we are busy with the project, this will be just a small (unstructured) blog update. We will just bullet point things that have happened since the last blog post so apologises on the quality of post.
- Things are full steam ahead as have now gotten our hands on the EUR/JPN/US models and have managed to dump them all and learn all of their secrets and stuff we needed to know. Yay!
- We are still working on the best way to inject the mod. We have a Custom Kernel almost there so that’s currently still being worked on.
Currently a lot of work is being piled into the payload (the meat of the hack) so far we have coded up and tested:
- Enabling RNDIS – Added SSH + SFTP support
- Added fully loaded busybox
- Enabling NAND RW access
- Disabling ROOT password
- ZRAM Compression optimisation
- Fixed the clock speeds to 1.344ghz
- Added MOTD + other ssh helpful stuff
- Full kernel backup and FileSystem backup
- On console repartitioning and FS setup for more internal storage
- Added RetroArch 1.7.9 with working gamepad support
- Other stuff and things
- We did a full test run with the 1.344ghz clocking by leaving a MD mini clocked at 1.344ghz running for 48hours running rom demos via the stock m2engage emulator. We never exceeded 48c and SSH+SFTP remained open without crash so we believe this is more than viable and safe to use. (That being said we won’t take any responsibility for any damage it may cause and it will be an optional toggle if you wish to use the “Blast Processing” mode.)
- We asked the members on the discord for a couple of games that had lag spikes in and we recorded a couple of videos running them at 1.344ghz and it appears the lag went away. You can find those videos here:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGEGksLcvds (sonic 2 underwater usually lagged)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INPUaCQetVw (gunstar heroes just lagged in general)
- To Answer a people regarding 32x and Mega CD. Yes it’s possible and feasible, here was a demo of 32x games running on the MD mini at stock 1.0ghz for a base level test. (We was going to do a megaCD one too but had bad image at the time)
So, there is a lot going on right now and the project is still underway so please don’t panic if we aren’t posting updates everyday. Again we aren’t going to rush this, set any deadlines or make any big promises. If we are the first people to release a hack then great, however that’s not our aim, our aim is to get something out that on day 1, people will be able to appreciate.
If you haven’t already, jump in the discord where you can discuss about the Megadrive or ask any of the devs questions here: https://discordapp.com/invite/8gygsrw it’s also nice to have the community discussing and keeping the chat rooms buzzing!
Lastly two open questions for you all…
- Check our the ASCII logo above image. Can you do better with our Project Lunar logo? The requirements is that it must be ascii, max 38 char wide and 12 lines high. Send them in comments below!
- If you also check the screenshot you will also see the available space on the NAND as it currently stands in MB. It’s not a lot… Also each save state can take upto 850kb and it works out to 3/4 of the DATA partition. We want to offer a no USB solution however our gut feelings is that it would be safer and easier (also ware out the nand less) if we did a small payload on console and have the roms/cores/ra loaded on a USB in a number of ways:- USB drive via OTG cable out back
– USB drive via one of the front ports (limited to one controller)
– USB drive via a hub in either OTG or front portI know this is a downer for some however due to the layout of the nand OOTB and how the stock UI/Emu operates it won’t give us much of leg room to work with. This being said we will still endevour to make internal only a viable solution. The question is…Is this a big game killer for you? If so let us know. If it turns out all of you only want internal only then we will look into this with more urgency.
Thanks again for all your support!