BleemSync 1.0.1 is officially released!

BleemSync 1.0.1 is officially released!

It’s with great pleasure that we can announce the release of BleemSync 1.0.1!

Thank you everyone and the early adopters to our project, the majority of the feedback has been very useful and helpful. 1.0.1 is effectively a hotfix release to the 1.0.0 public beta with some included “quality of life” improvements. This update includes a new build of RetroArch with optimisations to the payload and improved run time management for emulation and general stability.

We would also like to mention that the development of BleemSync 1.1 is under full swing and is currently our number one priority. The largest features 1.1 will bring to the table are OTG and a desktop app.


Update Overview

Japanese and Chinese Systems Now Supported

The BleemSync devs are primarily from North America and Europe, and as such we did not have access to the Asian console releases. We fixed that and now BleemSync 1.0.1 works for Japanese and Chinese consoles.


Extended Controller Support

We included extra controller driver support for controllers like the Xbox range and Steam controllers. You can find the list of controllers added in the release notes. CompCom also allowed SDL2 controller mappings for the Boot Menu which you can also find in the release notes. The stock UI currently does not allow third party controller support, however in 1.0.1 we have laid the foundation for this and hopefully shouldn’t be too hard to implement in an upcoming release.

A word of caution… There are hundreds of permutations and different variations of controllers. We simply can’t test them all however from the limited testing we have been able to do we have had success. For your controller to be 100% supported, it requires:

  • The correct driver
  • Have a SDL2 mapping within the boot menu mappings
  • Have a mapping within the RetroArch autoconfig file

We bundled as many possible combinations as possible, but just please bare in mind this isn’t an exact science and we will extend the list when possible.


New Reworked Optimised RetroArch 1.7.6 With Ozone Support

When updating BleemSync 1.0.1 from 1.0.0 we have made it so the BleemSync and RetroArch configurations aren’t overwritten if you unzip and overwrite all the files on the USB. BleemSync 1.0.1 comes with a brand new reworked RetroArch with a brand new menu format which is exclusive to the 1.7.6 release. When you upgrade it will update RetroArch but it won’t overwrite your configuration. If you wish to switch to all the latest configurations and new OZONE menu driver, then just delete your old RA config file from your USB here:


When you boot next it will load in the new default configuration for RetroArch.


New Dynamic Memory Optimizations and Tuning

Running BleemSync allows for extended filesystem support like exFAT and NTFS to help prevent USB corruption (FAT32 tends to be more susceptible to corruption due to power loss, brownouts, etc) but it now also tunes the dynamic memory during run time to improve stability, reduce crashing and improve performance (in certain situations) to improve your emulation experience as a whole.


Boot Directly to RetroArch Addon Available

As of BleemSync 1.0.0 you could actually boot directly to RetroArch with full playlist support by changing a single configuration value within a text file, however this was not documented well enough on the initial beta release. Along side 1.0.1, we are releasing an addon pack that will allow booting into RetroArch directly.

(A couple of tutorial videos will be coming out soon documenting this feature better very shortly)

A note on custom themes – We have made it so when dragging over the new release on top of the old one will run the update on next boot and it won’t overwrite your old configurations for BleemSync and RetroArch (as explained above). However, if you have changed the default theme files in any way, this update will overwrite them! If you have changed these files, make sure to back them up before updating.



  1. Review the notes above
  2. Unzip the contents of the 1.0.1 zip on top of your pre-existing 1.0.0 install
  3. Plug in your drive and turn on your system
  4. On first boot, an update will run and then your system will reboot
  5. Game on!


Release Notes

BleemSync v1.0.1 Release Notes:

BleemSync v1.0.1 Release Notes
Payload Changes

  • Fixed broken RA font on copy over from console
  • Migrate now migrates over cores and BIOS files correctly
  • Added credits and license information
  • Added uppercase support for alternative format games
  • Fixed network RetroArch buildbot issues.
  • Fixed Japan console RA stock game list in RA GUI
  • Fixed Japanese stock eMMC games to prevent crashing when loading BleemSycnc 1.0
  • Optimised on console SQLite3 code
  • Fixed the chance of RetroArch overwriting good configs with bad ones.
  • Fixed old RetroArch folder not moving to remove after migration
  • If no RetroArch core options config exists then create. (Stops overwriting existing global core configs)
  • Changed config logic so if no configs used for BS or RA then create them on load with defaults
  • ADDED UPDATE_CONFIG, UPDATE_RA_CONFIG and UPDATE_BOOT to supported flags (use to force update cfg with defaults)
  • Added xpad driver support. Loads more controller support added, including Xbox 1, Xbox 360 and steam controller support. Mostly complete list available here: list
  • Added SDL mapping support for the boot menu, (List of mapped controllers)
  • Added physical console button support for the boot menu (`reset` toggles options. `open` selects that option)
  • Changed memory configuration to prevent crashes from occurring when memory limit is nearing. We now over commit memory so a lot of issues should now be prevented.
  • Created extra fast swap ram totaling to 512mb more memory split across 4 cores into 128mb banks to increase compatibility, stability and slight performance (in some small cases)
  • Added new BleemSync build of RetroArch 1.7.6
  • UPX’d RetroArch 1.7.6
  • Optimised monochrome XMB theme assets for Ozone
  • Compressed all RetroArch bundled assets
  • Added brand new Ozone theme as default (doesn’t override existing setups)
  • Added compressed Ozone theme assets
  • Prepped some code for OverClocking and network support within RA
  • Optimised GDB and SQLite3
  • Improved initial RetroArch directory structure
  • Optimised RetroArch as a whole down from 18.2mb to 8.23mb (~50% reduction)
  • Optimised whole payload and reduced size

UI Changes

  • Fix database entry generation when .cue file extension is not all lowercase.
  • Fixed issue where .cue files were being created for .pbp files. No longer necessary with intercept updates.
  • Fixed issue with .cue files with capital filenames being added to the system improperly
  • Added full rebuild of PSC’s regional.db button to BleemSync UI

Credit and Thanks

All credit goes to the BleemSync development team as normal, but also to our friends at libretro for their continued work on RetroArch and their assistance with getting this new build out to you guys. We would also like to give a big shout out to the community for being so supportive and especially our ModMyClassic supporters. A very big shout out to our Patreon supporters at the time of this release: reppin916, ibaneye, ocpleito, Cupcake, barfghost, DangerRenegade, Wraith

With all your constant support, positive vibes and generosity we are able to keep going and dedicate time to development of the software and community for you all!

Youtube How-To and overviews

Download Page and Installation Instructions

Important notes
– Due to a bug not discovered before release, if you have edited settings through the BleemSync UI, the bootloader payload may not update. If you did not see the payload update and the 

bleemsync/flags/UPDATEfile is still present on your drive, please add the following to the config file

[not_recommended] usb_only="0"

– If you are updating on a Mac, **make sure to select Merge** when you are overwriting files on your USB drive. Otherwise, you may delete your games database and configurations. Making a backup prior to upgrading is recommended.

Mod My Classic


John Wesby Posted on2:16 am - 23rd February 2019

The question is if I have uninstalled 1.0.0 do I need to reinstall 1.0.0 to install 1.0.1

    admin Posted on10:08 am - 24th February 2019

    No you can install 1.0.1 as fresh

      passerin Posted on12:42 pm - 26th February 2019

      Hey, I’ve followed every step in the tutorial for installing the 1.0.1 version. Everything goes smoothly ’til I try to load games from the bleemsyncui URL. The page loads OK but when I upload games it always fails. No matter what game I try. And after that I can’t retry, the connection with the psc is lost. Can someone explain me what may be happening? I googled a lot but can’t seem to find a solution.

        admin Posted on10:07 pm - 3rd March 2019

        If you check the FAQ you will be browning out with that current usb. You will need to try a different USB or wait for OTG support in 1.1

galvatron Posted on3:21 pm - 23rd February 2019

great work guys but one question: has OTG support been added? And so how does it work?

    admin Posted on10:08 am - 24th February 2019

    no OTG is planned for 1.1 and this is 1.0.1 🙂

      tom Posted on10:47 pm - 3rd June 2019

      Do you have to use previous versions in order to get it to work? I tried it and it will not work.So wondering should i try a previous version,or do i need to install something else has well.

daevart Posted on11:40 am - 24th February 2019

Hi, got a question on version 1.0.0 and 1.0.1

Basically, I didn’t upgrade my system from 0.4.1 (and I am very happy with it) because I don’t know if the 1.0.0 or the 1.0.1 modify the software within the playstation classic.

I am just doing it for warranty reasons: with 0.4.1 I just need to pull out the usb stick, to have again an original system…so, in case of problems or defects, I can return it easily.

Is it the same with 1.0.1 – 1.0.0? Or, does the system get some modification?

    admin Posted on10:10 pm - 3rd March 2019

    yes its exactly the same. It does install a payload but if you run it without a stick it will effectively act like stock. There is also an uninstall option if you want to uninstall the payload in a warranty sitution.

      Stormtempter Posted on11:33 pm - 4th March 2019

      Is there any option or possibility of completely sideloading Bleem and additional games into the system and have both ports open – no USB needed? Similar to how Hackchi worked on the NES and SNES classics?

      Its been about the only thing making me waffle on buying a PSC and using BleemSync. I’d prefer to have everything all on the classic box.

      Cheers for a great program regardless though!

Alex Posted on12:36 am - 25th February 2019

I installed 1.0.1 but i don’t see a game folder or the game.ini & pcsx.cfg files. Don’t i need these files, if so how do i get them

    admin Posted on10:09 pm - 3rd March 2019

    you install the games via the user interface and shouldn’t require to manually do it.

kratos Posted on5:43 am - 25th February 2019

Is it possible to go back and forth between bleemsync and autobleem using two flash drives or will it cause problems?

    admin Posted on10:09 pm - 3rd March 2019

    It will likely cause issues moving foward as bleemsync has a lot of system improvements for performance and stability. Switching between the two will cause alot of the optimisations, bugfixes and extra functionality to not work.

Kefir Posted on12:00 pm - 25th February 2019

Great news, thank you. I have a question about compatibility with 360 game pad – how it works? Just plug gamepad USB adapter in ps classic, connect it with game pad and it’s done?

    admin Posted on10:07 pm - 3rd March 2019

    yep, pretty much

Joseph Crivelli Posted on3:42 pm - 28th February 2019

When scanning for game content for some reason it doesn’t add them on my collection list. Does it have something to do with old RA config, file deleted? Also when running the stock UI with retroarch the cheats don’t work. I hope you can correct that with the new update along with making analog sticks work with UI games. Thanks 🙂

    admin Posted on10:06 pm - 3rd March 2019

    you need make sure you have the rdb files (database files) otherwise it won’t add

Luke Posted on9:29 pm - 1st March 2019

Can you upgrade from a 32g to a 132 h usb

    admin Posted on10:04 pm - 3rd March 2019

    if the current is under 100ma sure. Otherwise you need to wait for 1.1

андрей Posted on9:39 am - 2nd March 2019

где ссылка на скачивание

DeadMouse Posted on4:31 pm - 3rd March 2019

there was an error plug in a power cable and restart,ENDLESS loop

Drive in or not

    admin Posted on10:02 pm - 3rd March 2019

    install 1.9.1 load up BSUI and rebuild Sony DB

Mic Posted on5:57 am - 6th March 2019

Hi, is it possible yet to use the hack and replace the games in memory with the ones you want?, i want to be able to se both controller ports with no usb in there, is it possible yet?

Cristian Petersen Posted on10:38 pm - 10th March 2019

So basically i followed all the steps. The program is loaded on ps classic. i see the RetroArch on there and Bleemsync but when I try hooking the ps classic to pc, the light comes on and the USB is in the first player slot, and the controller is in 2. But when I load up the first Url in the steps on How to use bleemsync when installed, it won’t load, same for the second url. Even typed in Tried refreshing the page, using a different slot on my computer, even switched computers but it won’t load up. This is one of the last steps as far as I know and it just won’t load up. If anyone could help me with this, I’d appreciate it.

Слава Posted on8:52 am - 11th March 2019

Help how to solve the problem. I install the game in bleemsync, and writes to me: F: \ BleemSync .. \ Games \ 10 \ GameData \ SLUS-00974.bin. What am I doing wrong?

Dale Posted on12:33 am - 20th March 2019

How do I delete the automatically generated Playstation internal playlist, and prevent it from regenerating again? I used to be able to do this by just deleting the playlist file with 1.0. With 1.0.1 It just keeps recreating it using stock RetroArch spaceship icons instead of the Playstation icons like it does when I create my own Playstation playlist with my added games.

jason Posted on7:46 pm - 24th March 2019

hey when I get to the bleem synce page it doesn’t show the add files button where the cover art would show up

AJ Posted on6:31 am - 11th April 2019

what is the link for me to get earlier versions of Bleemsync. Unfortunately the updates are worthless to me for I have a mac.

Joe Posted on11:02 am - 12th April 2019

Can you run a 256GB flash drive on it, if it’s 2.0?

Stormtempter Posted on12:28 am - 14th April 2019

Been enjoying 1.0.1 for a few months now, but while playing a game, there was a hitch, then none of the buttons would work, except directional pad/stick. I reset, and even on the bleem UI, i can rotate the game list but I cannot start a game, or even bring up the menu, buttons do not work. I tried overwritting my bleem install with a fresh one, and then doing the same with the pcsx.cfg files, but it still doesn’t work.

Any suggestions?

プレイステーションクラシック/PS Classic ★3 Posted on10:54 pm - 24th April 2019

[…] BleemSync 1.0.1が正式にリリースされました! […]

Nin3 Posted on8:20 am - 27th April 2019

Is there any ETA regarding the 1.1 release and OTG support ? No need to be exact, just like “next few months” or more like “end of the year” does already.

KJZ Posted on11:30 am - 1st July 2019

Currently Installing 1.1 fresh on the PSC but it still says “Installing custom payload…” for the past 30 minutes. what do i do?

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